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Teens Arrested for using Fake Gun in Salisbury Robbery


Kids are prone to making mistakes, as many Maryland parents know. With little life experience, many make reckless or poor choices because they don't fully understand the possible consequences of their actions. When things go too far, and a juvenile ends up facing criminal charges, it is extremely important to work with an attorney. A scar on your child's record can severely limit his or her future opportunities.

Last week, five teenagers were arrested after an alleged armed robbery near Salisbury. According to Maryland State Police, four of the teens stole a skateboard from other teens using BB guns that they had painted to look like real guns.

After stealing the skateboard, the four teens fled the scene. Two were arrested at a grocery store, and two others were found hiding at a residence. A fifth teen and an adult who helped hide those involved in the robbery were also arrested.

The teens involved in the robbery are facing charges of armed robbery, reckless endangerment, robbery, and first- and second-degree assault. They have been charged as adults. The teen and adult who helped hide them have been charged with making a false statement to police and failing to obey a lawful order.

When your child is facing serious criminal charges -- or has been charged as an adult -- contacting an attorney is the first thing you should do. An attorney experienced in juvenile defense can help explain your options for obtaining the least harmful outcome for your child. One mistake or moment of poor judgement shouldn't mean the end of your child's bright future.

Source:, "Six arrests follow Salisbury armed robbery," Jan. 3, 2014
